Friday, October 29, 2010

about to cry

I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you pretending
I hate the way you drive the car

And the way you read my mind
I hate you so much it makes me sick
It even makes me rhyme

I hate the way you're always wrong even if its right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry

I hate it when you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly i hate the way i don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

updates updates updaaaates

*tring tring tring*
Haaah its quiet a long time since my last post..

What's on earth are going oooooon bloggers?
mau mau mau cerita apaa ya kira-kira? love life? naaah kalo love life gue slalu fascinating utk ditelusuri (lah..apasih) like seriously..i wonder sometimes kok kaya sinetron banget ya. D'oh jd gini loh gue udh banyak banget makan garam -__- wakak mana tahan bahasanya makan garam intinya berpengalaman lah dalam lovelife (soksok) tp serius deh nih dari yang paling miris sama pacar pertama gue yang cuma 15hari HAHAHA yaudah sih maklum sd paling gajelas,paling malu malu kalo ketemu,trs kabur kaburan,haha kocak deh mana waktu itu sebioskop beda seat nya beda row nya. T_T sd..

kalo smp itu.. mulai mulai gue deket sama cowo deh anak inilah itulah kls 7 tuh masih bocah jd bodo amat ngga trlalu mikirin, sampe yang kocak banget jd ada anak sklh lain nah kebetulan itu lg dkt sm gue trs kyknya saking kesel nya dia ngga gue tanggepin dia ngadu ke temen gue wakak tengiiil. Laluu ngga ada petir ngga ada hujan gue kena karma deh kayanya..nah dari situ gue udh mulai respect gtlah sm org, ya ngga ada slhnya juga kan nambahin temen trs jd tau type of people. krn kebanyakan org jg kdg gbs langsung ketebak dari first impression nya dia.
kalo mslh gue yg sekarang itu dibanding yg dulu gaada apa apa nya deh. sumpah, dulu nih ya kalo gue lg berantem sm pacar gue trs dia minta maafnya nelfon nyokap gue, hahaha lucu deh itu pas kls 7. kalo skg lebih ke cheating,selfish,lovable,care,careless,fighting no victim,understanding,older,love attacker,under pressure,part time lover,full time friend, sugar rush,everything aw i'm about him.
i'm not a perfect match indeed. hahaha seriously loh gue cengeng banget ngambek mulu lg terus skg lg berantem ..>.<>aaah i miss you already.. just take your time,i won't bother. if something happen then i will willing you,down on my knees, and wave goodbye. And u're free..